Wheels and Rollers
Wheels of all types are often carried. These include Flanged Cast Iron and Steel Wheels for Slipways and Gantry Cranes, to Castor Wheel Sets for mounting machines on. Many sizes and variations of Conveyor type Rollers, up to Road Roller Drums are in stock.

150mm O/D Rex Cast Iron Vee Grooved Wheels
Lastest Products
- 1500 Litre Stainless Steel Vertical Tank
- 1450 Litre Stainless Steel Vertical Tank
- 2.2Kw Roof Extraction Fan
- Large Paddle Fan
- Atlas Copco GA37 Screw Compressor and FD120 Drier
- 160mm x 90mm Steel Hollow Bar - Brand New
- 100mm x 55mm Steel Hollow Bar - Brand New
- 80mm x 55mm Steel Hollow Bar - Brand New
- 65mm x 45mm Steel Hollow Bar - Brand New
- 50mm x 30mm Steel Hollow Bar - Brand New